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The UC Narrative is a global initiative created by Pfizer to engage the UC community to help identify how people living with ulcerative colitis are impacted by the disease. The U.S. survey findings represent a subset of the UC Narrative global survey, which was developed with input from the Global UC Narrative Advisory Panel.
The Global UC Narrative Advisory Panel, 1 comprised of people living with UC, as well as leading gastroenterologists, IBD nurses, a psychologist, and patient organizations, including the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation in the U.S., from 10 countries will work together to turn the insights gleaned from the survey into actions that can help identify real-world needs and concerns about living with UC.
For the U.S. survey, a total of 301 U.S. UC adult patients were surveyed online or by telephone between August and October 2017. Patients self-reported that they had been diagnosed with UC and had their diagnosis confirmed by an endoscopic procedure, did not have a colectomy, had visited a GI office in the past 12 months and had taken prescription medication for their UC; patients who reported taking only 5-ASA (5-aminosalicylic acid) medications were excluded. A total of 149 U.S. gastroenterologists were surveyed online between August and November 2017. To qualify for participation, physicians must have seen at least 10 UC patients per month, with at least 10 percent of those patients currently taking a biologic treatment for UC. Patients and physicians who qualified for and successfully completed the survey were compensated for their participation.
1Where permitted, members of the Global UC Narrative Advisory Panel were paid honoraria for their participation.
To learn more: https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-kits/uc-narrative